About Face:
Turning Away from Hate

aboutThe Florida RCPI's newest interactive CD-ROM, About Face, focuses on the anatomy of hate crimes and how bias and prejudicial attitudes left unchecked can lead to more serious criminal activity. Overall, the program educates students about federal and state hate crime laws, builds problem-solving skills, and provides a forum to discuss sensitive topics.

This CD-ROM, which is compatible with PC and Macintosh, presents a video scenario of a hate crime that occurs at a high school. After watching the scenario, students have an opportunity to "interview" each of the main characters in the scene to get a better understanding of their motives and perspectives on the event.

The CD includes a detailed Instructor's Guide that offers topics for discussion and ideas for lesson plans. The CD also contains a section geared toward educating students on the definitions and details of federal and state hate crime legislation. Interactive quizzes and games help students retain knowledge and keep them engaged in the learning process.

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Contact Kadell Ford 727-341-4581

Email: Kadell Ford

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Outside of Florida: CD-ROMs - $49.95 Video - $19.95 plus 7% sales tax.

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